If you try to make a list of “most commonly used safety accessories” all around the world, the hard hat has to be one of them. Most authorities require construction site workers like welders, engineers, managers. They are crucial for rescuing a life if an injury occurs.
Perhaps you’ve already gone to a construction site and have seen laborers or safety inspectors wearing different types and color of hard hat. You most likely do not know that different hard hat colors represent various functions, letting the laborers know about their roles.
Though along with code, hard hats are different among different states or associations, a few primary rules can help you pinpoint workers by the coloration of the hat they are wearing.
Different Types of Hard Hat Color Meaning
First improved by Bullard in 1919, among those earliest variants of an authentic hard hat came in an individual color: black. Along with modern security head-gear, alternatives have improved somewhat, and lots of hats can be found in numerous colors.
Even though there are variances within some businesses or occupation websites, listed here will be the generally-accepted significance of several shared hard hat colors.
White Hard Hat color meaning
Among all the colors white is the most visible color and it white hard hats are designed for representing office managers, engineers, supervisors, and foreman. Mostly engineers wear this hard hat during working hours. Vehicle marshals also wear this color hard hat during their working period. Due to its high-visibility, this hat is preferable for engineers. This safety helmet help engineers and constructor to protect their head on construction site. This hat can also protect the eyes, neck, and ear from hazardous material on the site.
Brown Hard Hat color meaning
Brown hat is also a useable and convenient hat for working peoples. Peoples who work with heavy machinery or earthmovers wear this color safety hat. Generally, construction laborers and employees wear these color hats. These color hats are designed for welders and workers who work with high heat presentations.
Green Hard Hat color meaning
These colors hard hats are manufactured for police and safety inspectors. Also, it is designed for peoples who joined newly in work. Safety inspectors are assigned to wear this color because this color symbolizes safety and security. Additionally, peoples who work for a probationary period in the office also wear this color hard hat.
Yellow hard hat color meaning
Employees who operate some heavy machinery or ground movers wear a yellow hard hat, and so does the general construction workers. Ordinary and normal peoples wear this color hard hat while working. In workplace general laborers or earth-moving operators are assigned to wear this color safety helmet.
Blue hard hat color meaning
Electricians and also carpenters usually use blue hats. Interim employees and workers at a specialized advisory position may even work using the blue hard hat. Carpenters, technical advisers, and temp workers mostly wear this color safety helmet.
Orange hard hat color meaning
Due to the high visibility, most road construction personnel wear orange hats. They can also be given to new hires and web site traffic. Its visible colors symbolize roads and working signs. Additionally, new hires and site visitors also wear this color hard hat.
Pink hard hat color meaning
These hats are popular among feminine personnel. Individual companies might also attempt to dissuade forgetfulness by devoting a pink hard hat for some team members who unintentionally abandoned their Very Own hard hat at home.
Grey hard hat color meaning
The visitors on the worksite most often use these. Peoples who visit constructions site and other working places are assigned to wear this color hard hat. Sometimes employees also forget to take their hat on the working site or misplace the hat. Meantime they can also wear this color hard hat.
Red hard hat color meaning
We all see this color hard hat on firefighters head. Firefighters and other employees with emergency training often wear red hats. They wear this color hard hat because this color symbolizes danger. So wherever danger occurs this hat peoples come to protect peoples.

Types of Hard Hat
Hard hats are available in different colors and types. Types of hard hats are classified according to people’s needs and requirements. Each type of hat is used for different professions. All types of hard hats are manufactured to ensure maximum safety on the working site. Types of hard hats are distinct by the part of the head that is protected and all hard hats are manufactured in two types. Those are:
Type I
This type of helmet cover the front part of the head. Peoples who only want to protect their top of the head can wear this type of hard hat. These kinds of hard hats are well designed to protect your head from all accidental threats and dangers.
Type II
Type II helmets are manufactured to protect the overall head. Mainly peoples who work in working and construction site wear these types of the hard hat. Peoples mostly prefer type II hard hats while working because it protects the head from both vertically and laterally. It can also protect the side of your head with satisfaction. All in all these types are well –designed to give full protection for your head.
Classes of Hard Hat
Hard Hats are classified into three categories. All classes are categorized according to ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2009 and Canadian CSA Z94.1-2005 standards. These are electrical hard hats and their performances are divided into different classifications. Those are detailed below:
Class E (Electrical) Hard Hats are manufactured to decrease disclosure to high voltage conductors. This hard hat offers 20,000 volts of dielectric protection for users. These hard hats are designed to protect users’ heads. Workers who work in a high voltage environment are highly recommended and assigned to wear these hard hats. Users can also wear this hard hat to protect the entire body. Mostly electrical workers wear these hard hats.
These hard hats are manufactured and intended for general workers. But these hats are not as effective as E-class hard hats. Workers who work in low voltage working environments wear these hard hats. This hard hat offers approximately 2,000 volts of dielectric protection for workers. You can only protect your head with this hard hat. In the market different G-class hard hats are available. Among all “MSA Skullgard Hard Hat” will gives the best result. Ironworkers mostly use these hard heads to get a certain degree of dielectric protection. In the market, it is also known and categorized as “Class A”.
It was also known as conductive hard hats. Class C (Conductive) Hard Hats are very different from their competitors. Because it will not protect against contact with electrical conductors. The majority of these hats are manufactured with aluminum. This means it is a big risk wearing these hats while working in an electrical environment. C-class hard hats include emitted options. As an example: MSA V-Gard 500 Hard Hat offers augmented breathability by its conductive materials.
Does a Hard Hat Have an Expiration Date?
Yes! Every hard has an expiration date. It is also known as maximum lifespan. Most people think that they can find an expiration date on the body of a hat. But it is completely a misconception no brand marked expiry date on the hard hat. If you want to see the hard hat expiry date then you need to find out the exact manufacture date of this hat. Manufactures date are marked below the brim of the hard hat. There you can see a circle symbol and an arrow point is marked on the center of the circle. On one side of the arrow point, you will find the year of the manufacturer and on another side, you will find the month of the manufacture.
The standard expiration period of a hard hat is 3 years. But it depends on the style and model of the hard hat. JSP and 3M producers offer a 5-year lifespan from the date of production for their product. Most people think that they can use it until it expires. But without manufacturer guidance, you cannot use the hat for a longer period.
What Should I Look For When Inspecting A Hard Hat?
Nowadays Hard hat become a widely used product in all types of industries. People use it as an important piece of personal protective equipment in the workplace. Because it is proven that a hard hat can save people from serious injury or even death. If you don’t wear the hard hat properly then you cannot experience its effectiveness properly. Therefore, you should know and inspect some essential facts about hard hats.
Components are the major consideration in terms of buying or using ant hard hats. Hard hats are designed with two components. Those are the shell and the suspension. You should check both the component properly before use. In the shell part, you should check cracks, nicks, dents, gouges. Damaged products can become the cause of accidents or severe injury.
You should check the materials of each type of hard hat. Most of the hard hats are made with polyethylene, polycarbonate materials. In your working station, you need to wear this hat all day long. So you should check it properly before every use. You need to check its breathability, stiffness, brittleness. Also, you check the color of the hard hat. The dullness of colors can create problems on your working site. If your hat has these symptoms then you should replace or be removed from service immediately.
Effects of UV
Ultra violate light is the worst enemy of this safety helmet. Most of the hard hats get damaged when it connects with UV exposure over time. Therefore you should store this safety helmet in a cold place. You can never put your hard hat in the rear window of a vehicle or sunlight. If you have to work in sunlight with a hard hat then you should replace the hat immediately.
Suspension Inspection
Before purchase or use any hard hat you should inspect the suspension. Suspension of hard hat should capable to absorb the shock of a blow to the upper part of the hard hat. The suspension system is equally important as the shell part of this safety helmet. As a user, you should inspect both the part carefully. You need to check the suspension system whether it is cracked or torn. You also need to check the flexibility of this safety helmet.
Shells inspection
Shells inspection is also important before you buy or use a hard hat. Polyethylene shells are most preferable. Before use, you should check the compression power of the shell inward. After every stretching, it should return to its original shape. Residual deformation cannot be tolerated in terms of using the hard hat. If the hard hat is not flexible enough then it cracks because of brittleness. So you should give proper consideration to this point.
Replacement option
Replacement mention is a big help for every user. Reasonable service life is necessary because workers have to wear it regularly. So if any instant damage occurs then the manufacturer needs to give immediate help or replacement option for the user. Maximum hard hats are available with attached guidelines. Therefore, before you use any hard hats you need to check its available facilities.
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